In Love and With Love

Jul 3, 2024


The foundation for all our actions must be love, not mere routine or religious obligation. The love of Christ should guide our hearts as we approach the sacraments.

In the sacrament of reconciliation, we should go with a spirit of love, truly sorry for having hurt the one we love — God.

When attending Mass, we should approach it with a heart of thanksgiving and love, not just dutiful observance.

And in adoration services, our worship and time spent with the Lord should flow from a place of love.

Jesus is saddened when souls lean more towards cold religiosity rather than the warmth of love. May love be the essence of our faith, not just an outward observance of religious rituals.

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Inspired reflections by my life's journey and daily walk with God I Catholic I Writer I Poet I Old-fashioned I PublicHealthExpert l Love is my religion l