Passionate plea for the Holy Spirit 15

May 18, 2024


Gracious Savior, I am grateful for your love and care for me.

I thank you for the ways you have shielded and provided for me. You have met all my needs.

You have said in your word that “as evil as we are, we know how to give good things to our children, and how much more will the Father give the Holy Spirit to those who ask him.”

It is on this promise that I stand and request the infilling of the Holy Spirit in my life. I need the Holy Spirit. I desire the Holy Spirit. I promise to not grieve the Holy Spirit. Please grant me the Holy Spirit.

Wonderful Spirit, please come to me.

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Inspired reflections by my life's journey and daily walk with God I Catholic I Writer I Poet I Old-fashioned I PublicHealthExpert l Love is my religion l